• What is a Menstrual Cup?
  • Why is it used?
  • How to use a Menstrual Cup for the first time?
  • So which size is suitable for you?
  • Steps to use Menstrual Cup
  • Important Information before you use a Menstrual Cup for the first time
  • How is it better than Sanitary Pads?
  • Disadvantages of Menstrual Cups?
  • Conclusion

Menstrual Cups 101: Everything You Need to Know Before Trying it for the FIRST Time

Do you know that out of a total of around 40 crore menstruating women in India, less than 20% use sanitary pads? The reason for this lies in no awareness of menstrual hygiene products in rural as well as urban areas. Now imagine if sanitary pads have such a low penetration in Indian markets, then what will be the condition of menstrual cups?

Therefore, in this blog, we will be guiding you about menstrual cups and what you need to understand before trying your first menstrual cup. 

What is a Menstrual Cup? 

Let’s start with the basics. 

So, what exactly is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is a tunnel-shaped cup made up of medically graded silicone which is used to collect the period fluids by inserting it into the vagina. 

So basically, unlike sanitary pads which absorb period fluids, it collects it into a tunnel-shaped cup which you can drain out by removing the cup from your vagina.  

Why is it used? 

Menstrual Cups are used because they can hold more period blood than any other method primarily, sanitary pads. Also, you can use one menstrual cup for about 5-10 years, and hence, it can save you a LOT of money. Except for the first two-three period cycles, it is quite convenient to use and mostly you won’t even feel its presence. 

How to use a Menstrual Cup for the first time?

If you are using a menstrual cup for the first time, then you should know that these cups generally come in two sizes, small and large, although some brands might have a medium size too. You can check out the products here

So which size is suitable for you?

Chose Small Menstrual Cup if:

  • You are very slim or small frame – Probably a teenager 
  • You are in the initial stages of your menstrual cycle with little blood flow
  • You are a woman younger than 30 years of age and HAVE NOT delivered vaginally

Chose Large Menstrual Cup if: 

  • You are a woman older than 30 years of age 
  • If you have delivered a baby vaginally 
  • If you feel you have a very high flow of period blood 

Steps to use Menstrual Cup:

  • Cleaning 

This is the first step which involves cleaning both the menstrual cup as well as your hands. You can use water to clean the cup and make sure that there is nothing inside the vacuum holes at the brim of the cup. Consider cutting your fingernails if you have long nails as it might get uncomfortable while putting the cup inside the vagina if you have long fingernails. 


  • Folding

There are many ways to fold a menstrual cup before putting it inside the vagina. Some common folding methods are C-fold and Push-down fold. Please remember that you have to make the cup as small as possible by folding it using your own preferred method. 

  • Insert

Now try to sit in a squatted position and slowly put the menstrual cup inside the vaginal opening with the folded tunnel facing upwards and the tail outwards towards the vaginal opening. Don’t open the fold of the cup till it is fully inside the vagina. 

  • Open 

Now that your folded menstrual cup is in the right position, leave it so that it can pop open. You can rotate the cup using the tail if you feel that the position is not correct. When you hear a small pop sound, consider the menstrual cup is rightly inserted.

Important Information before you use a Menstrual Cup for the first time:

  • You will not feel anything (or any discomfort) if you have used a menstrual cup the right way. You will be able to do regular tasks like walking, running, dancing, etc. without feeling any discomfort.
  • It will pain A LOT while inserting a menstrual cup inside the vaginal opening for the very first time. Therefore, you might need 3-5 period cycles to get used to it.
  • You can use menstrual cups overnight too. 
  • You can use this cup continuously for 8-12 hours depending upon the brand. 
  • You can easily do regular activities like dancing, running, sitting, etc. without the fear of the menstrual cup getting out of the vagina. 
  • You have to make sure that the vacuum holes on the top of the menstrual cup are cleaned every time you use it. 
  • The general life cycle of a menstrual cup is around 5-10 years depending upon the brand. 
  • After your one-period cycle, you have to clean it with boiled water and store it inside the box. 

How is it better than Sanitary Pads?

  • Cost-Efficient: You can use a menstrual cup for around 5-10 years. Imagine how much money you can save on sanitary pads!
  • More Blood: It can hold more blood than tampons and the amount varies according to the size of the menstrual cup you are using. 
  • Environment Friendly: Most of the sanitary pads are mostly plastic and considering a majority of women use only sanitary pads as their first choice of female hygiene product, its environmental plastic footprint is quite high. A menstrual cup is environmental friendly and helps to reduce the environmental plastic footprint.

Recommended Reading

Here’s how bread companies are scamming you by selling unhealthy bread!



Disadvantages of Menstrual Cups?

  • Can become Messy: Inserting and removing a menstrual cup can become messy if not handled with care. There is always a chance of spilling period blood while removing the cup. 
  • Difficult for the First-timers: Using a menstrual cup is a tricky solution for your periods especially if you have never tried it. Therefore the entry barrier is quite high. 
  • Irritation: If you are not cleaning the menstrual cup regularly after every use then you might face some vaginal irritation. Sometimes lubrication is also suggested by gynecologists for inserting it inside the vagina. 
  • Allergies: Menstrual Cups are made with medically grade silicone which means it won’t react with the skin but there is a very small segment of women who might face some allergic reaction to silicone. You must consult with your gynecologists in that situation. 


No doubt that menstrual cups are providing a huge benefit to a lot of women but still women and girls are not confident about using menstrual cups on their bodies. Your fear is genuine but until and unless you won’t give menstrual cups a chance, you won’t be able to feel the difference. 

It’s your body, your decision. If you are not comfortable, then don’t go for this product. But at least make your decision rationally and consult a gynecologist if you want to LEARN more about this product. 

  • Adulteration
  • At Farmer/Farm Owner level
  • At Collector/Agent level
  • At Brand level 
  • How to save yourself?
  • Concluding Note

Bread 101 – 9 Different Types of Bread and their Ingredients

Not as famous as Marvel Cinematic Universe, but we sure shot know that our healthy bread universe is equally diverse and interesting as Marvel Cinematic Universe if not more. And if you are new to this bread universe, this blog is the perfect start!

Warning: It is our responsibility to warn you that once you enter this delicious bread universe, there is NO coming back!

Bread Ingredients

Ideally, a piece of bread should be made with five ingredients: Water, Flour, Salt, Healthy Oil, and Yeast. 

But commercially it is not limited to these five ingredients. Some unwanted ingredients bad for the health have taken a majority share in the ingredient list of the bread. Since now you are a part of our healthy bread universe, promise us that you will never buy any bread with these ingredients:

  • Added Sugar
  • Emulsifiers
  • Added Colors
  • Maida

These ingredients are used in commercial bread to increase its shelf life and make it more palatable, completely neglecting its negative health effects. Let us see the types of bread that will make it more clear. 

Note: Before understanding different types of bread, click here if you want to learn about basic terms related to bread making.

Types of Bread

Yes! For the last time, bread is not just of one type that you eat regularly in your home. Bread is of multiple types and can be classified into many categories based upon:

1. Based on Fermentation – Yeasted Bread and Sourdough Bread

As we saw earlier, fermentation is the process through which the yeast or the leavening agent releases gase(s) (particularly CO2) that causes the dough to rise. This fermentation can be achieved via various means that becomes the basis of the classification of bread:


If yeast is used in the fermentation process of the bread, then the bread is known as “Yeasted Bread.” Most of the bread available in the market is yeasted bread as it takes less time to make this bread. 

Sourdough Starter

If the sourdough starter was used to ferment the dough then the bread is known as “Sourdough Bread.” It takes around 20-24 hours to make bread through sourdough starter. You can check out our range of sourdough bread from here

Difference between Sourdough and Yeasted Bread

Sourdough Bread is arguably tastier and healthier than yeasted bread. Sourdough bread is comparatively more sour and hard than yeasted bread. If you are a bread- connoisseur then sourdough bread should be your choice as Sourdough bread itself comes in many varieties. But if you are looking for a more budget-friendly option then yeasted bread should be your choice. 

2. Based on Chemical Additives- Commercial Bread and Natural Bread

Here’s one bitter fact: 

We are in the 21st century where majorities of companies are focused on taking their revenue growth through the roof no matter what it takes.

Here’s the consequence: 

Compromise with the quality of the Product 

Here’s the explanation: 

The simplest explanation is that there are some ingredients as mentioned before that can be used in the bread-making process to fasten the process or increase the shelf life of bread but are harmful to the human body. If the company/bakery manufacturing bread uses those ingredients then the bread is called “commercial bread.” If the company does not use those ingredients then the bread is “natural bread.”

Difference between Commercial and Natural Bread 

C’mon does the words “commercial” and “natural” not ring a bell?

Ohhhk! Since you are now part of our Healthy Bread Universe, we have worked extra hard for you. To sum up the difference in one line, the main differentiating factor between natural and commercial bread is the ingredients used and their effect upon health. Commercial bread is more palatable and has increased shelf life but has a drastic effect on health. One immediate negative health effect is that it drastically raises the blood sugar level due to its high glycaemic index (GI) and glycaemic load (GL). Therefore, when it comes to choosing bread, commercial bread should ALWAYS be avoided at any cost. 

Note: Want to know more about Glycaemic Index (GI) and Glycaemic Load (GL)? Click here to LEARN more!

3. Based on Flour- Brown Bread, Whole Wheat Flour, Multigrain Bread, and Gluten-Free Bread

Whole Wheat-Flour Bread

Whole Wheat Flour is a type of bread in which the major ingredient is “whole-wheat.” 

Now, why is this whole-wheat important?

The answer is that when whole-wheat is refined again and again it loses its fiber and gets converted into maida. And maida is harmful to our body. Therefore, whole-wheat bread is a good choice if you want to avoid maida. But companies always find a loophole in the process to make more money. Want to know about this loophole? Read this:

Recommended Reading

Here’s how bread companies are scamming you by selling unhealthy bread!



Multigrain Bread

Multigrain bread is a category of bread prepared using two or more grains or seeds. These grains/seeds include oats, barley, millet, wheat, flax, linseed, sunflower, soybean, sesame, and melon. This does not put an obligation on the companies to use whole grains. In fact, the bread will be still called a multigrain if it has many grains but none of those grains are whole grain but are refined grains. 

Read this blog to understand better about Whole-grain flour and refined flour. 

Brown Bread 

We know this will break your heart but brown bread is no different than white bread. Brown bread is nothing but white bread, molasses, and caramel color. The ingredients of both white and brown bread are almost the same with a difference in the brown color. 

Gluten-Free Bread

Bread made from wheat flour will never be gluten-free. Therefore, for the people craving gluten-free bread,  flour other than wheat flour is used in the dough-making process. Some of the gluten-free bread:

  • Jowar Ragi flour
  • Buckwheat flour
  • Almond flour
  • Sorghum Flour
  • Teff Flour
  • Corn Flour

Related: Commercial Bread v/s Yeasted Bread  v/s Sourdough Bread v/s Gluten-Free Bread

Concluding Note:

We know this is a lot to grasp at once, but who said it will be easy to enter our healthy bread universe? Take your time, read this blog again and let us know if you have any doubts. We will be more than happy to resolve your doubts. And don’t forget to read other blogs in this series to LEARN more on this topic. You can text us directly on WhatsApp if you have any doubts or any order-related queries. 

Welcome to your Healthy Bread Universe!

Menstrual Cups 101: Everything You Need to Know Before Trying it for the FIRST Time

Do you know that out of a total of around 40 crore menstruating women in India, less than 20% use sanitary pads? The reason for this lies in no awareness of menstrual hygiene products in rural as well as urban areas. Now imagine if sanitary pads have such a low penetration in Indian markets, then what will be the condition of menstrual cups?

Therefore, in this blog, we will be guiding you about menstrual cups and what you need to understand before trying your first menstrual cup. 

What is a Menstrual Cup? 

Let’s start with the basics. 

So, what exactly is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is a tunnel-shaped cup made up of medically graded silicone which is used to collect the period fluids by inserting it into the vagina. 

So basically, unlike sanitary pads which absorb period fluids, it collects it into a tunnel-shaped cup which you can drain out by removing the cup from your vagina.  

Why is it used? 

Menstrual Cups are used because they can hold more period blood than any other method primarily, sanitary pads. Also, you can use one menstrual cup for about 5-10 years, and hence, it can save you a LOT of money. Except for the first two-three period cycles, it is quite convenient to use and mostly you won’t even feel its presence. 

How to use a Menstrual Cup for the first time?

If you are using a menstrual cup for the first time, then you should know that these cups generally come in two sizes, small and large, although some brands might have a medium size too. You can check out the products here

So which size is suitable for you?

Chose Small Menstrual Cup if:

  • You are very slim or small frame – Probably a teenager 
  • You are in the initial stages of your menstrual cycle with little blood flow
  • You are a woman younger than 30 years of age and HAVE NOT delivered vaginally.

Chose Large Menstrual Cup if: 

  • You are a woman older than 30 years of age 
  • If you have delivered a baby vaginally 
  • If you feel you have a very high flow of period blood 

Steps to use Menstrual Cup:

  • Cleaning 

This is the first step which involves cleaning both the menstrual cup as well as your hands. You can use water to clean the cup and make sure that there is nothing inside the vacuum holes at the brim of the cup. Consider cutting your fingernails if you have long nails as it might get uncomfortable while putting the cup inside the vagina if you have long fingernails. 

C- Fold

  • Folding

There are many ways to fold a menstrual cup before putting it inside the vagina. Some common folding methods are C-fold and Push-down fold. Please remember that you have to make the cup as small as possible by folding it using your own preferred method. 

  • Insert

Now try to sit in a squatted position and slowly put the menstrual cup inside the vaginal opening with the folded tunnel facing upwards and the tail outwards towards the vaginal opening. Don’t open the fold of the cup till it is fully inside the vagina. 

  • Open 

Now that your folded menstrual cup is in the right position, leave it so that it can pop open. You can rotate the cup using the tail if you feel that the position is not correct. When you hear a small pop sound, consider the menstrual cup is rightly inserted.

Important Information before you use a Menstrual Cup for the first time:

  • You will not feel anything (or any discomfort) if you have used a menstrual cup the right way. You will be able to do regular tasks like walking, running, dancing, etc. without feeling any discomfort.
  • It will pain A LOT while inserting a menstrual cup inside the vaginal opening for the very first time. Therefore, you might need 3-5 period cycles to get used to it.
  • You can use menstrual cups overnight too. 
  • You can use this cup continuously for 8-12 hours depending upon the brand. 
  • You can easily do regular activities like dancing, running, sitting, etc. without the fear of the menstrual cup getting out of the vagina. 
  • You have to make sure that the vacuum holes on the top of the menstrual cup are cleaned every time you use it. 
  • The general life cycle of a menstrual cup is around 5-10 years depending upon the brand. 
  • After your one-period cycle, you have to clean it with boiled water and store it inside the box. 

How is it better than Sanitary Pads?

  • Cost-Efficient: You can use a menstrual cup for around 5-10 years. Imagine how much money you can save on sanitary pads!
  • More Blood: It can hold more blood than tampons and the amount varies according to the size of the menstrual cup you are using. 
  • Environment Friendly: Most of the sanitary pads are mostly plastic and considering a majority of women use only sanitary pads as their first choice of female hygiene product, its environmental plastic footprint is quite high. A menstrual cup is environmental friendly and helps to reduce the environmental plastic footprint.

Recommended Reading

Here’s how bread companies are scamming you by selling unhealthy bread!

[row_inner_3] [col_inner_3 span__sm=”12″] READ MORE [/col_inner_3] [/row_inner_3]


Disadvantages of Menstrual Cups?

  • Can become Messy: Inserting and removing a menstrual cup can become messy if not handled with care. There is always a chance of spilling period blood while removing the cup. 
  • Difficult for the First-timers: Using a menstrual cup is a tricky solution for your periods especially if you have never tried it. Therefore the entry barrier is quite high. 
  • Irritation: If you are not cleaning the menstrual cup regularly after every use then you might face some vaginal irritation. Sometimes lubrication is also suggested by gynecologists for inserting it inside the vagina. 
  • Allergies: Menstrual Cups are made with medically grade silicone which means it won’t react with the skin but there is a very small segment of women who might face some allergic reaction to silicone. You must consult with your gynecologists in that situation. 


No doubt that menstrual cups are providing a huge benefit to a lot of women but still women and girls are not confident about using menstrual cups on their bodies. Your fear is genuine but until and unless you won’t give menstrual cups a chance, you won’t be able to feel the difference. 

It’s your body, your decision. If you are not comfortable, then don’t go for this product. But at least make your decision rationally and consult a gynecologist if you want to LEARN more about this product. 

3 Quick Home Tests to Detect Water, Detergent, and Starch in the Milk

Don’t say you are one of those who just buy milk from your milkman (or milk-woman) at his/her face value? Or you just prefer a random brand because they claim to be 100% natural. If you are one of these then this blog is for you. 


Problems of Adulterated Milk in India: How are you being scammed?

Did you know that a whopping 79% of the milk sold in the open market in Maharashtra is not even close to FSSAI standards of milk?

Shocking , isn’t it?


Here’s how bread companies are scamming you by selling unhealthy bread!

What if we say that bread companies are scamming you by selling Brown Bread as a more healthy option than white bread? What if this is not the only scam these companies are pulling to fill their pockets?

Continue reading this blog to save yourself from these scams. 

Read more